Updates: New Developments in Immigration

Updates: New Developments in Immigration

Updates: New Developments in Immigration

Visiting or moving to the United States is a big step for you or your family. At a moment’s notice, immigration policies can impact how long it takes to receive a visa or when you can arrive. A few new developments are worth mentioning, especially if you’re pursuing employment, internships, attending college, or investing. Read on to see what’s happening.


Entrepreneurial immigrants and their children are behind some of the largest companies in the U.S. Many arrive on an EB-5 investor visa or H-1B visa for skilled workers. Each investment improves and boosts our economy and provides others, like yourself, with new employment opportunities. Forbes Magazine cited a new study that highlights the success of entrepreneurship and immigration:

  • Half of Fortune 500 companies were founded by immigrants
  • They employed over 14,000 people
  • Companies have collectively generated trillions annually
  • Popular states that are best for immigrants looking to invest are California, New York, Texas, Florida, and Illinois

New Initiatives For EB-5

Congressional changes pose a threat for immigrants with an EB-5 visa. As of June 30, 2021, political obstacles have been making the renewal process more difficult. Many are still waiting to hear more about the reform bill and whether the program will end entirely.

Developments for H-1B Visas

As more people get vaccinated and U.S. Consulates reopen, we might see a second draw for the H-1B lottery. If you’re an applicant, you can expect to hear back from Immigration Services soon! Additionally, the USCIS has revoked a Trump-era memo allowing immigration officers to deny visa applications or extension applications without additional evidence or issuing a notice of denial.

What About Family Immigration?

This year the Biden administration announced they would expand sponsorship eligibility of immigrant parents living in the U.S. and seeking asylum. It would allow them to sponsor their children as well.

For immigrants to qualify for a U-visa (victims of crimes) and safeguard their families, they must work with law enforcement while their applications are pending. Legal guardians can also file petitions.

Refugee Status

With the recent political uprisings in Cuba and Haiti, we might be seeing an increased number of migrants making their way to the U.S. The immigration system is still overwhelmed, with newer cases getting added daily. As of June, there were 1.3 million asylum cases alone. With limited resources and overwhelmed Immigration Judges, many claims are getting assessed in what seems like a “traffic court setting,” according to Forbes.

Current State of U.S. Border

As COVID cases surge and more countries face political unrest, President Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris urge Central Americans to remain where they are and avoid traveling to the U.S. border. Although both are currently planning to resolve tremulous conditions and help end corruption.

If you have any questions about the immigration process or have been affected by any of the developments above, reach out to our law firm for legal immigration help in Los Angeles.

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