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The U.S. To Consider Reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act

The U.S. To Consider Reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act

The U.S. To Consider Reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act

A few weeks ago, The House of Representatives voted to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), which expired in 2018. That has been and will always be an essential piece of legislation, as many sought after the protection from:

  • Domestic violence
  • Dating violence
  • Sexual assault
  • Stalking

Democrat and Republican legislators are still negotiating the details of VAWA, a law that supports and protects various groups from criminal acts. Additionally, they plan to improve access to housing and increase unemployment benefits for victims as well. Between policy reforms and awaiting to hear from the Senate, you might be wondering what this means for you. If you or a family member are trying to obtain an immediate visa for victims of crimes, it is best to pursue legal immigration help in Los Angeles because there is no clear answer just yet.

House Votes 244 to 172 – What About the Senate?

Two years ago, House Democrats voted for a similar version of VAWA, which would have reauthorized the law for five years if the Senate approved as well, according to CNN. Like the 2019 legal proceeding, the country waits to see whether it will get passed or if senators will suggest subsequent bills. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas, one of the representatives who proposed the bill, hopes a decision gets reached soon.

“Domestic violence has surged in this nation. And we now have a moment in history,” Jackson Lee said to a CNN reporter. “We ensure that there is an armor of the federal government around these families so they can survive. We cannot let them down. I think the moment is here. I think the passion is here.”

President Biden Approves

President Biden has campaigned for and supported plans to reauthorize VAWA in the past. In a statement regarding the recent bill, he hopes Congress will come together to ensure the overall safety of immigrants that depend on it. With domestic violence on the rise since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, cases have worsened across the U.S., like intimate partner violence.

Immigrant victims are especially vulnerable because of the language barriers, isolation from loved ones, and unfamiliarity with the law. If you are experiencing any form of abuse or assault, you are guaranteed basic protections under civil and criminal law. A VAWA visa lawyer in LA can further explain how you can:

  • Request a protection order for you and your child(ren)
  • Separate or divorce without your spouse consent
  • Share marital property and assets *in cases of divorce
  • Request custody of your child(ren) and financial support

Uncertainty Remains

Unfortunately, there is no clear answer when the Senate will reach a decision. With a 50-50 partisan split, the future of this policy remains uncertain without much Republican support. If the Senate passes, this will not be the last time Jackson Lee approaches this issue.

“I’m going to come at it unrelenting,” she said, according to CNN. “I’m going to be charging. I want to have a smile on my face, but I will never stop, never cease. We will not fail women. I will be unrelenting, and I will never give up.”

Consult with an immigration lawyer immediately regardless of your immigration or citizenship status if you need help navigating through the process. Attorney David Grey has been practicing law for over 25 years and has dedicated his firm to helping those in need. Call any time to schedule a consultation!

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