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The new naturalization test makes it harder to become a US citizen


The new naturalization test makes it harder to become a US citizen

The new naturalization test makes it harder to become a US citizenAs of December 1, 2020, the naturalization test to become a U.S. citizen has gotten more challenging in an effort by the Trump Administration to limit the number of people that are becoming naturalized citizens of the United States. Many immigrants are studying much harder and reaching out to legal immigration help Los Angeles with hopes of passing this more difficult test.

Immigrants who are preparing for their naturalization test can enlist the help of local colleges. Many colleges are offering courses that cover civics, ESL, and N-400 applications. Any Los Angeles citizenship lawyer will recommend taking these classes to ensure that you’re properly prepared to pass the citizenship test.

Funding For Various Immigration Study Services

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has been issuing grants to various organizations to help immigrants get access to the resources that they need to take the naturalization test. Many organizations that receive the funding for these resources have noted that many new test questions are being integrated into their existing courses. They’ve worked to respond quickly to the changes in the naturalization test to give immigrants the best resources possible to prepare themselves for the test.

Test Changes

The new naturalization test has 128 questions regarding American history and civics. The new test is known to focus more on citizen rights and the constitution. Some questions regarding geography have been eliminated from the naturalization test.

Another notable change to the naturalization test is the wording. Many coin the new phrasing as particularly difficult for non-native English speakers to comprehend. A lot of people who offer legal immigration help Los Angeles believe that this new phrasing is to discourage and confuse immigrants.

It has been widely notated by a Los Angeles citizenship lawyer that some of the test questions have been given new answers. The same exact questions that were on the old test are given on the new test with different answers. One most noted is a question regarding why the United States entered the Vietnam War. The only acceptable answer is to state that the U.S.’s entry into the war is ‘to stop the spread of communism.’ It’s particular answers like this that have many applicants worried about passing the new test successfully.

A naturalization attorney Los Angeles also noted that the answers to exam questions have gotten more strict. A common naturalization test question is, ‘Who does a U.S. Senator represent?’. Traditionally, multiple answers were accepted for this question. However, now the only acceptable answer is ‘the citizens of their state’.

It’s a good idea to consider hiring a lawyer for the naturalization process Los Angeles to ensure that you get access to the resources that you need to study. Many immigrants don’t realize that the U.S. Government funds many organizations that provide viable resources to help study for the naturalization exam. By hiring a lawyer for the naturalization process Los Angeles, you can gain access to this information. And, they can provide you with resources to get help with paid courses.

A naturalization attorney Los Angeles will help you get your documentation together so that you can pass through the application process and be able to take the test. The naturalization application process is very complicated, and it’s better to be safe than sorry by hiring a naturalization lawyer to help you though. Don’t let your chances of citizenship be spoiled by a small slip-up; hire a naturalization attorney Los Angeles to guide you.

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