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Abuses That Qualify You for VAWA Protection


Abuses That Qualify You for VAWA Protection

How Our Attorneys Can Help You Break Free from Your Abusers Control Through VAWA

Abuses That Qualify You for VAWA Protection

Since the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) passed in 1994, special protection has been granted for thousands of non-citizen spouses (men and women) and children. American citizens and lawful permanent resident (LPR) abusers have been held accountable for their actions. Victims have been able to break free, self-petition, and start fresh in the U.S.

What Qualifies as Abuse?

The definition of abuse is typically broad. It does not always involve physical injury, but the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services provide their take on what it means for victims. We highlight critical information on the federal regulation below.

8 C.F.R. Section 204.2(c)(vi)

  • “…Being the victim of any act or threatened act of violence, including any forceful detention, which results or threatens to result in physical or mental injury.”
  • “Psychological or sexual abuse or exploitation, including rape, molestation, incest (if the victim is a minor), or forced prostitution….”
  • “…abusive actions may also be acts of violence under certain circumstances, including acts that, in and of themselves, may not initially appear violent but that are a part of an overall pattern of violence.”

A citizen or LPR must have committed the abuse you or your child endured. In most cases, a spouse inflicts patterns of abuse throughout the marriage. To guarantee your chance of a successful application during this urgent situation, an immigration attorney would strongly encourage you to pursue legal immigration help in Los Angeles.

VAWA Updates in The U.S.

  • 2013 was the last time the U.S. government reauthorized VAWA during Barack Obama’s presidency.
  • In 2019 former Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell failed to address VAWA, causing significant hardship on those trying to obtain the visa.
  • This year the House passed a reauthorization. The Senate has not yet addressed it, but senators are urging Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to reauthorize VAWA a fourth time.

At Grey Law Immigration, our vawa attorney in LA is well-versed in the latest policies and politics regarding visas for victims of crimes. If you need help starting the green card application or finding another way to remain in the U.S., you can turn to our law offices.

Types of Abuse an Immigration Visa Lawyer in LA Can Help You Petition Against

Battery and Physical Violence would include any form of intentional harm that inflicts pain from beating, punching, slapping, burning, or kicking. Abusers don’t always use weapons, but they might make repetitive threats to the situation. An immigration attorney for vawa applicants would rely on police reports and medical records to prove the abuse and get the USCIS to approve your petition.

Violent Threats and Intention to Harm – Has the abuser threatened to harass family members, friends, associates, or pets? That is considered as a form of abuse too.

Intimidation and Fear Tactics – This is common in most vawa cases. Victims fear what could happen next if they deviate from what the abuser wants and needs. Look out for these warning signs:

  • Sudden changes in behavior
  • The abuser takes out a weapon
  • Stern signs and warnings of retaliation
  • Threats to call Immigration Services resulting in your deportation

Economic Abuse – The abuser is withholding money, preventing you from looking for a job, or making it difficult to keep one. In these circumstances, spouses have stalked and harassed survivors, causing the employer to terminate their employment.

Sexual Abuse – Any forced sexual activity, including any threats of forced or unwanted conduct. In immigration court, it would fall under the category of “extreme cruelty.” Prostitution or other forms of forced sex work falls under this category as well.

Verbal abuse – The abuser may scream, yell, or make statements that would be considered a form of verbal harassment that qualifies as abuse. It might be harder to prove without the help of an immigration lawyer in Los Angeles with extensive knowledge of these processes.

Online Resources

Outside of hiring a vawa visa lawyer in Los Angeles, the following organization offers confidential help and support for domestic violence survivors:

  • The National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)
  • org

Before you browse, be mindful of the level of privacy provided to you. If you use the same computer or are on the same phone plan, the abuser might be able to track your calls and view the internet history.

About Grey Law Immigration

At Grey Immigration, the values of integrity, honesty, commitment, and results are at the foundation of our firm. David Grey provides experienced representation to safeguard your rights through the immigration process.

COVID-19 has drastically impacted citizenship in the U.S. In the past year, we have adjusted and acted accordingly based on new restrictions and regulations. Our firm optimizes individual skills to produce superior results for all clients. For a free case review, give us a call at 323-622-1764 or email info@greylaw.com.